Please Stop Using the Word Done
In my years working as a data warehouse/analytics/BI professional, one of the words I've developed disdain for is the word done. You hear it all the time from business users and EDW management teams about when will something be done. I get that perspective, but I would argue that if the data warehouse is evolving and delivering business value, you're never truly done. In many instances, I've asked people to stop using that word. Here's my perspective... Hopefully, your a data warehouse project has a somewhat specific set of goals beyond "we need reports" or "we just need access to the data". When I hear those comments, my first response is "for what purpose?", but we'll save that for another blog entry. You may also run into projects that have a "grand vision" as far as "if we do x, y, z...we'll have data nirvana", which is also a topic for another blog entry. Back to the original thought. Let's say y...